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Welcome to First United Methodist Church of Jacksonville where our doors are open to people from all backgrounds, regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey. 


Methodists have been telling of the love of Jesus on this location for nearly two hundred years. If you’re new to First Church or thinking about joining us for a service, we hope you’ll find a place where you are warmly welcomed and feel at home even if you’ve never been to church before. 


At our services, we seek to always present the timeless truths of the Bible in a way that is easy to understand for everyone.  While we have an incredibly  beautiful sanctuary, the church is not the buildings, it is the people.  The people of First Church are folks who are striving to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ and to walk with him in every area of our lives.  They are also folks who recognize the unique way that God has wired them and are working to use their gifts in service to the church, our community and the world.  I think you’ll find that they are warm, friendly people who will be anxious to get to know you.  


On Wednesdays we gather in our Fellowship Hall for an informal family meal, Christian fellowship, and teaching. Everyone is invited!


We hope you’ll come experience this for yourself soon.  



Pastor Tiffany McCall


Who We Are

We are a community of imperfect people who love, follow and serve a perfect God. We don’t have all the answers, but we can introduce you to the One who does. Through God’s love and grace we are all offered new life and hope in Jesus Christ. We’re all about community, being intentional about our growth, and serving others outside of our walls.


So come as you are…

Everyone is welcome here, whatever your story, your background, your life circumstances. We don’t pretend to have it all figured out, but we are pursuing and experiencing a transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey - still somewhat skeptical about God, been a Christ-follower twenty years or somewhere in between - you’ll fit right in at First UMC.


But the journey doesn't end here...

Being imperfect may be our current reality, but we don’t want to stay that way. Jesus Christ invites us all to follow him toward hope, peace, freedom and love. We're here to walk with you on the journey of faith and that requires some activity from all of us. So don't be a spectator -.get up out of your seat and get involved! Join a Sunday School Class. Volunteer for something. Meet some new people. It may be hard to step out at first, but it will be worth it as you discover the life that God offers you!


Our Vision

A Heart for God
and a Heart for the City


Our Mission

To be Loved Period, Love God, Love Neighbor, Love Self!


CONNECT with God through faithful discipleship, leadership development and Sunday services.

GROW in Christ through Sunday messages and Small groups.

SERVE God and others by using your gifts and talents in the church and community.

SEND "Lord, Here I am, Send me." Join God in his mission for the city.


Our Vision

We believe in teaching gospel truths; We believe God is with us and we are the living body of Christ. We are the hands, feet, and heartbeat of God. We believe the Spirit of God calls us to freedom, and we are not free until all of us are free.


Our Staff
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Rev. Tiffany McCall

Senior Pastor

(904) 356-5618 extension 106



  Hugh Stephens

Financial Secretary

(904) 356-5618 extension 108



Tiffney Funches
Youth Fresh Expressions



Kitty McGill

Children's Ministry

(904) 356-5618


Our History

 The First Christian worship service, year 1823: The church is located only four blocks from the point of its founding in 1823 near the north  bank of the St. Johns River where Methodist circuit rider, Reverend John Jerry, "set up shop" to conduct worship services on the second  floor of a dry goods store.  The present site was purchased in 1846.  A chapel was first used but a larger building was erected in 1858.


During a brief period near the end of the War Between the States, the Methodist Church at its present location served as a sanctuary for daily prayer and worship by the Union Troops.  After the war came to an end, a convention of Florida Unionists was held in the church to choose delegates to the Republican National Convention. 


  Another sanctuary was erected in 1890.  The great fire of 1901 was not kind to the Methodist Church. Only two brick walls of the sanctuary were standing after the fire. These two walls became part of the new sanctuary in 1902. The educational building was erected in 1922 and is still used.  In October of 1930 the sanctuary was again destroyed by fire but the memorial windows and walls were spared.  It was rebuilt in 1931.  The current sanctuary was built in the mid 1960s.   


 Through the years, the Methodist Church was at the center of the growing metropolis drawing parishioners from not only the nearby urban communities, but also from every suburb of the city. The church facilities provide plenty of space for expanding activites of the nursery, young children's ministries and Sunday School classes.

The Spirit Café provides ideal space for both entertainment and working meetings, both small and large, with it's fully-equipped kitchen, large seating accomodations, WiFi access and Power Point Facility. Large windows contribute to the wide open, airy feeling.

First Church considers its main purpose to be ministering to people of all shapes, sizes, ages and ethnic heritage from all of Jacksonville, giving it a cosmopolitan atmosphere where love and understanding of one another prevails.


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